Oklahoma American Association of Teachers of German

OKAATG Lending Library for Teachers
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Active OKAATG Members (as of September 2011)

Baer, Hester  (U of OK) hbaer@ou.edu

Berney, Ellen (Heritage Hall School) eberney@heritagehall.com

Boudreau, Nancy (Classen HS) circus1951@hotmail.com;  njboudreau@okcps.org

Carter, Jutta (Cameron U) jcarter@cameron.edu

Clark, Thomas (Riverfield Country Day School) thclark@swbell.net;  hclark@riverfiled.org

Fink, William W. (we have no email on this member)

Galluzi, Eva (Hilldale HS) eva_galluzzi@hilldale.k12.ok.us galluzzi@suddenlink.net

Gerstenlauer-Hill, Monika (Edmond HS) monika.hill@edmondschools.net; mgerstenlauer-hill@juno.com

Hill, Christiane (Oral Roberts U) chill@oru.edu

Johnson, Sasha (Noble HS) sjohnson@nobleps.com

Kluge, Theresa (Choctaw HS) tkluge@cnpschools.org

Lewis, Sabine (OK State U) sabine.lewis@okstate.edu

McIlhany, Mary mmcilhany@hotmail.com

Mueller, Ursula mueller@tulsaschools.org mueller11@cox.net

Nagle, David (OK Baptist U) david.nagle@okbu; davnagle@juno.com

Nollert, Hans "Rudi" (U of Central Oklahoma) hnollert@ucok.edu

Novak, Angela (Bixby HS) anovak@bixbyps.org

Schestokat, Karin (OK State U) kschest@hotmail.com;karin.schestokat@okstate.edu

Schutjer, Karin (U of OK) kschutjer@ou.edu

Stanley, Gwen Meshew (Lawton PS) gstanley@lawtonps.org;


Sturm, Clarence (SW Ok State U, Weatherford) csturm@htswireless.com 

Sullivan, Joseph (U of OK) jsullivan@ou.edu

Te Velde, John (OK State U) john.te_velde@okstate.edu

Watanabee, Nancy (U of Washington, Seattle) watann@u.washington.edu

Westmoreland, Marion (Bishop Kelly HS) mmmrdt@yahoo.com

Williams, Marion (Bishop Kelly HS & TCC) williams@bkelleyhs.org

Other Oklahoma German Instructors

Allison, Connie (MacArthur HS, Lawton) callison@lawtonps.org

Bausch, Marion (U of OK, & Classen HS) mialexander@ou.edu

Bell, Teresa (U of OK) tbell@ou.edu

Bolding, Ursula (Bishop McGuiness HS) skutas@cox.net

Brannon, Ursula (Carl Albert High School) ubrannon@mid-del.k12.ok.us

Caddell, Melissa (Grad Teaching Asst., U of OK) mcaddell@ou.edu

Coiner, Hank (North East Oklahoma A&M, Miami) hcoiner@neo.edu

Collins, Laura (Grad Teaching Asst., U of OK) laura4collins@yahoo.com

Tucker, Helena (John Marshal HS, OKC) If you know the email of this instructor, please let us know. -- your officers

Faris, Christiane (Oklahoma City University, OKC) cfaris@okcu.edu

Geier, Lindsay Fry (Union Intermediate High School) geier.lindsay@unionps.org

Guckian, Chris (Union HS) guckian.christine@unionps.org

Gwinn, Laurie (Helena HS) lauriegwinn@tlake.k12.ok.us

Hart, Crista (Claremore HS) chart@claremore.k12.ok.us 

Henry, Angela (Etta Dale JHS, Yukon) angilau@aol.com

Hibbard, Julian (Mid West City HS) jhibbard@mid-del.k12.ok.us

Holsaeter, Janet (Edmond Memorial HS) janet.holsaeter@edmondschools.net

Horton, Max  (Memorial HS, Tulsa) hortoma2@tulsaschools.org ;hortoma2@aol.com

Johnson, June (Edmond Santa Fe HS) junejohnson@sbcglobal.net

Jones, Hannelore (OK School of Science and Math) lorelei1945@cox.net.

Judd, Alex (Grad Teaching Asst., U of OK) ajudd@ou.edu

Kalabic, Danijela (Grad Teaching Asst. U of OK) danijela.kalabic-1@ou.edu 

Larsen, Lawrence (U of OK, retired) llarsen@ou.edu

Lemon, Robert (U of OK) rlemon@ou.edu

Loveless, Jerald (Rose State) jloveless@cox.net

Masters, Carol (Edison Preparatory Academy, Tulsa) Masteca@tulsaschools.org

Miller, Christy (Union Intermediate HS) miller.christy@unionps.org 

Miller, Mickey Susan (South Intermediate HighSchool) mmiller@basschools.org; mickeyhsger@cox.net

Mosburg, Jeff (Booker T. Washington HS) jmosburg@flash.netmosbuje@tulsaschools.org

Neel, Renate (Pryor HS) neelr@pryor.k12.ok.us

Pendarvis, Ronald (we have no email address for this member)

Prince, Corina (Lawton HS) caprince@lawtonps.org

Roberson, Melanie (Broken Arrow Senior HS) mroberson@ba.k12.ok.us

Savic, Kristian (U of Oklahoma, EducationAbroad), kristian.savic@sbcglobal.net

Schauer, Eli (OK State U) eli.schauer@okstate.edu

Segner, Mary Ann  (Tulsa Junior College) vmsegner@olp.net

Tingey, David (University of Tulsa) david-tingey@utulsa.edu

Twitchell, Corey (Washington U, St. Louis, MO) cltwitch@wustl.edu ;


Udwin, Prof. Victor Morris (Univeristy of Tulsa) victor-udwin@utulsa.edu

Utley, Jack (Locust Grove HS) jutley@lg.k12.ok.us

Von Neumann, Vera verakhra@hotmail.com

Weaver, Kevin (Cascia Hall Prepatory School, Tulsa) kweaver@yahoo.com ;


Williamson, Jason (U of Ok) jaskwilliamson@ou.edu

Willis, Joe seppi71@hotmail.com

Wyatt, Craig (U of OK) craig.s.wyatt-1@ou.edu


Oklahoma German Friendlies

Charles (Chuck) E. Wiggin, The German Honorary Consul in Oklahoma City, lcraft@wigginprop.com

To request amendments to the lists above, contact Sasha Johnson, OKAATG Secretary.

We would love to hear your feedback about our web site!

Oklahoma AATG * 211 Castro Street * Norman, OK * US * 73069