Oklahoma American Association of Teachers of German

OKAATG Lending Library for Teachers
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Chapter Officers
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Deutschfest 2012
St Crispin's Immersion Weekend and Workshop
Oklahoma Stammtische

OKAATG Officers for 2011-2012

President: Angela Novak.   Bixby High School.

Vice President:  Rudi Nollert.  University of Central Oklahoma.

Treasurer: Mary McIlhany, retired from Booker T. Washington High School.

Secretary and Webmaster:  Sasha Johnson.  Noble High School.
Testing Chair:  Karin Schestokat, Oklahoma State University

Minutes from OKAATG Meetings:

We would love to hear your feedback about our web site!

Oklahoma AATG * 211 Castro Street * Norman, OK * US * 73069