Oklahoma American Association of Teachers of German
OKAATG Officers for 2011-2012
President: Angela Novak. Bixby High School.anovak@bixbyps.orgWebsiteVice President: Rudi Nollert. University of Central Oklahoma. hnollert@uco.edu WebsiteTreasurer: Mary McIlhany, retired from Booker T. Washington High School. mmcilhany@hotmail.comSecretary and Webmaster: Sasha Johnson. Noble High School.okaatg@gmail.comWebsite Testing Chair: Karin Schestokat, Oklahoma State Universitykarin.schestokat@okstate.eduOKAATG 2001 ConstitutionMinutes from OKAATG Meetings:September 2011October 2011
President: Angela Novak. Bixby High School.
Vice President: Rudi Nollert. University of Central Oklahoma.
Treasurer: Mary McIlhany, retired from Booker T. Washington High School.
We would love to hear your feedback about our web site!
Oklahoma AATG * 211 Castro Street * Norman, OK * US * 73069